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Year Round Learning- June 2011Report from Harvard Family Research Project linking school, afterschool and summer learning to support student success
Program Resources | Research Articles
After School Alliance Report: October 2010LA Afterschool Participation Far Exceeds National Average, but One in Five LA Kides Is Unsupervised inthe Afternoons 2 page artcle with good statistics
Program Resources | Research Articles
Municipal Leadership for Afterschool: 2011- 184 page report - shares what various cities across the nation are doing to support afterschool programs
Program Resources | Research Articles
The Federal Role In Out of School Learning: February 2009- 54 page report - Afterschool, summer learning and family involvement as Critical Learning Supports - published by Harvard Family Research Project
Program Resources | Research Articles
The Beacon Community Centers Middle School Initiative: September 2011- 54 page report - final report on implementation and youth experiece int he initiative - middle school program in San Francisco
Program Resources | Research Articles
Realizing the Potential of Learning in Middle Adolescence - February 2013Adolescence is a time of enormous potential for learning. This idea might or might not seem obvious, but what is surely true is that Americans are skeptical, and neglectful, of it. Our culture all too rarely creates the affordances – settings, relationships, roles – that would help young people realize their learning potential. The aim of this paper is to provide the empirical foundation for doing so. The authors highlight what research shows about the design and conditions for good learning experiences during the high school years, providing ten principles for the design of learning during this critical life period.
Program Resources | Research Articles
Afterschool Alliance Research
Program Resources | Research Articles
Comprehensive School Safety Plan Compliance Check-List
Program Resources | Safety Plans/Checklist
Program Resources | Social Emotional Wellness
The Power of OneWhat does it mean to work in expanded learning? This video depicts what potential staff can expect day-today and can be used during staff interviews or orientations
Program Resources | Staff On-Boarding
Digital CitizenshipUsing technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology. Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use. Too often we are seeing students as well as adults misusing and abusing technology but not sure what to do. The issue is more than what the users do not know but what is considered appropriate technology usage.
Program Resources | STEAM
Common Sense MediaCommon Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.
Program Resources | STEAM
ISTE StandardsDigital-Age Skills for Learning, Teaching, Leadership and Teacher Preparation The ISTE Standards (formerly known as the NETS) have served as a roadmap since 1998 for improved learning and teaching. They help measure proficiency and set goals for what students (ISTE Standards•S), teachers (ISTE Standards•T), and administrators (ISTE Standards•A) should know and be able to do with technology in education. Our proven leadership in developing benchmarks and guiding implementation has resulted in broad adoption of the ISTE Standards in the U.S. and many other countries.
Program Resources | STEAM
Curriculum: Think EarthLooking for STEM curriculum? Check out the Think Earth website for FREE, hands-on lessons. There is a Teacher’s Guide that includes step-by-steps for lessons delivery. All units correlate to Common Core State Standards, NextGen Science Standards, and McREL Online Standards Compendium. Additionally, all print materials are available online. What does it mean to Think Earth? Conserve natural resources, Reduce waste, and Minimize pollution! Website: http://thinkearth.org/index.php
Program Resources | STEAM
Life Science Video Resource
Program Resources | STEAM
Math Video Resource
Program Resources | STEAM
Engineering Video Link
Program Resources | STEAM
A STEAM Approach to Learning
Program Resources | STEAM
Engaging STEAM Hands-on, Minds-On Activities for Distance Learning
Program Resources | STEAM
Physical Science and Engineering
Program Resources | STEAM
Elements of Art Part 1
Program Resources | STEAM
Power of Questions Part 1
Program Resources | STEAM
Elements of Art Part 2
Program Resources | STEAM
Power of Questions Part 2
Program Resources | STEAM
California Career CenterThe new California Career Center Web Portal at www.calcareercenter.org is the state's first central, comprehensive website of career and college resources for middle school and high school students. Part of his Career Readiness Campaign, state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson said the portal "gives students, parents, and teachers a one-stop shop to help demystify the process of moving from the classroom to careers." Students can use the free interactive site to build a personalized account that allows them to save critical information, or simply use the left hand navigation bar as a tool to help them through the exploration process.
Program Resources | Student Career
NSLA Summer Quality StandardsResources on:
Program Resources | Summer
Quick CASP: 4. Quality Improvement Plan Instructional Videohttp://www.summermatters.net/quick-casp-instructional-video-quality-improvement/ This short video discusses developing your Quality Improvement Plan — the final part of the Quick CASP process. During this phase, you’ll be drawing on your findings from both the Planning & Management Assessment and the Observation Assessment phases to identify a short list of impactful improvements you can make to your summer learning program. Watch this video for suggestions on how to look at your earlier assessments, how to select improvement areas, and how to document your improvement plan. The video ends with a quick refresher on the Quality Improvement Process Cycle.
Program Resources | Summer
Quick CASP: 1. Features Instructional Videohttp://www.summermatters.net/quick-casp-instructional-video-features/ The video offers a short introduction to the purpose of the Quick CASP, its parts, and how to use it. Watch the video and learn how the Quick CASP can benefit your program, and get an early look at the work you’ll be doing.
Program Resources | Summer
Quick CASP: 2. Observation Assessment Instructional Videohttp://www.summermatters.net/quick-casp-instructional-video-observation-assessment/ This short video walks you through the Observation Assessment portion of the Quick CASP. It includes tips on planning your observation period, what to look for during the observations, identifying program strengths, delivering feedback, and documenting areas for improvement. Watch this video as preparation for your Observation Assessment and ensure you have the right framework for reporting and utilizing your observations.
Program Resources | Summer
Quick CASP: 3. Planning and Management Assessment Instructional Videohttp://www.summermatters.net/quick-casp-instructional-video-planning-management-assessment/ Watch the video and get a better handle on the Planning & Management Assessment part of Quick CASP. This section deals with many of the unseen, but essential elements of a successful summer learning program.
Program Resources | Summer
Quick CASP - A Summer Program Quality Assessment Tool
Program Resources | Summer
Quick CASP - At-A-Glance Reference Guide
Program Resources | Summer
Quick CASP - Crosswalk with Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in Calif.
Program Resources | Summer
Quick CASP - A Summer Program Quality Assessment Tool - USER'S GUIDE
Program Resources | Summer
Summer Resources from NSLA (National Summer Learning Association) Summer Planning Bootcamp, March 2022Webinar
1: The Impact of COVID-19: What We Know
About Young People Today and Recruitment,
Retention, and Relationships YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO9DQ_Q3w0U Webinar 2: Engaging
and Important Content: Incorporating
Innovative Health, Fitness, Arts and Academic Learning in Summer Learning and
Investment of a Generation:
Accessing and Leveraging Funding and Partnerships YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B7LtfTFUJU Building
Resilience in Youth Though Summer Experiences (April 2022)
Program Resources | Summer
Summer Time Fun Time Tool Kit
Program Resources | Summer Time Fun Time
TK-K Implementation Tool Vol. 1 and 2
Program Resources | TK/K
Expanded Learning TK/K Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool
Program Resources | TK/K
MoFo Aids Those Affected by California Wildfires with Helping HandbookThe recent California wildfires have upended lives in California as thousands have endured damaged and destroyed homes, businesses, and lives. As those affected by the disasters begin to chart a way forward they, and the agencies that help them, desperately need information on a wide variety of topics that touch on the law. Responding to this need, Morrison & Foerster has produced the Fall 2018 California Wildfires Helping Handbook. The Handbook gathers in one place up-to-date, practical information on many subjects, including, among others, housing, government benefits, insurance, FEMA assistance, replacement of lost documents, and fraud prevention. The Handbook specifically applies to those in Butte, Ventura, and Los Angeles counties who have been affected by the Camp, Woolsey, and Hill wildfires, respectively. The Handbook is available online in English. A Spanish version is forthcoming. We encourage the widest possible distribution of this resource. Organizations may request print copies in bulk by sending a request to Firehandbook@mofo.com.
Program Resources | Wildfire Resources
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