An Expanded Learning field that is empowered, supported, and unified to build innovative, quality, and effective programs for students in Los Angeles County.
Strengthening the capacity of Expanded Learning leaders through connection, inquiry, and compassion.
The LACOE ELTAU uses the following six strategies to provide equitable access to ongoing, needs-driven services that support LEAs and Grantees in creating and implementing effective and quality Expanded Learning Programs in Region 11.
ELTAU offers events and professional development opportunities for Expanded Learning leaders to develop and improve their programs for quality, effectiveness, and impact, as well as offering opportunities to learn and engage with one another.
Compassionate Leadership involves a focus on self-growth and relationships through careful listening to, understanding, empathizing with and supporting other people, enabling those we lead to feel valued, respected and cared for, so they can reach their potential and do their best work (Bailey & West, 2022).
Developing compassionate leadership approaches helps leaders hold crucial conversations, ensuring they hear and reflect deeply on what people are telling them, and then engage with the people they work with to find shared solutions to problems (Bailey & West, 2022).
“When we are motivated by compassion and wisdom, the results of our actions benefit everyone, not just our individual selves or some immediate convenience”
(Dalai Lama).